Sunday, December 16, 2018

Christmas Updates

Hey all! It's been a busy season over here, so this post is going to just be some catching-up. If you are desperate for a book recommendation, though, here you go:

Read The Screaming Staircase by Jonathan Stroud. It's a freakin' good book, but it is a part of the Disney empire, so it's only a matter of time before it's turned into a watered-down movie. You'd best read it now while it still has its innocence.

OK, on to the updates:

First, I am an engaged man! I have a good job that's making money slightly faster than I can spend it, so I proposed to my college sweetheart and we're looking at late-summer wedding dates. This may come up later; when one of my posts here says "Just married" and that's all, you'll know what's up.

Second, my NaNoWriMo project is still going strong; as I'm writing this (on December 15), it's around 65,000 words long, and there's plenty of story to go. Odds are it'll be about 75,000 - 80,000 words long, and I can't wait until it's finished and reworked to death so I can start submitting it places--it is, in my humble opinion, one heck of a story.

The writing of this book was hampered, though, when my 5ish-year-old laptop finally bit the dust after years of (two-way) abuse. Thank heavens I obsessively back up all my writing stuff, or today's post might be a string of un-Christmasy cuss words. However, this new machine is quite wonderful. Thanks to its non-ancient technology, Subnautica has never looked so gorgeous. I weep tears of joy whenever a sea serpent swallows my submarine in non-laggy gloriousness.

Finally, I wish you all a very merry Christmas and a happy New Year. May you receive all that you lawfully desire, including the one wish you never knew you had...

That's right. May you get your own you-centric version of that in-praise-of-Gaston song from Beauty and the Beast. Let's start right now:


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