Benjamin Sonnek is a science fiction writer, currently a journalist in the north. He mostly writes short stories and constantly edits his books he's working on. For more information, look under the “About The Author” tab.
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At this point I'm not about to disclose my actual address, so you'll have to contact me through
The Great and Powerful Internet
...and we do have a few options for you here.
The Magic of Facebook
Come visit our more-or-less-official author page, where we post updates and other random writer-related things every so often. And, if you like what you see, be sure to "like" the page and follow us. Support from people makes my android trolls happy.
The Might of Gmail
If you want to contact the command ship semi-directly, the gmail address is:
No junk mail, please. That makes everyone cranky.
The Madness of Twitter
We now have Twitter. This is a relatively new initiative on our part, but we're doing our best to keep it all useful and interesting. Feel free to follow me; the handle is @ultrasonnek
The Mystery of Comments
As you may have seen, there are comment boxes at your disposal on this site. However, bear in mind that I have total control of this internet sector, and I have a low tolerance for rudeness, stupidity, and/or bad language. That's what chat forums are for, people, not this website. Behave or you'll get vaporized with advanced smiting technology.
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