Tuesday, February 2, 2021

It's been a while

Hello, everybody!

Um...anybody? Hold on, when did I last post something...

Oh, wow. Well, the good news is that I can explain: I've been too busy writing lately. Being a journalist and all, I think you can understand why I'd be indisposed for basically all of 2020. Still, it's weird to come back and see how much the blogger format has changed. I used to be able to make hyperlinks--yes, like the one crudely highlighted below--not look like complete garbage.

Just thought I'd fill you in on some stuff. First, if I haven't been fed a bunch of lies, I should have a couple of stories appearing on Planet Raconteur in the semi-near future. Who knows, they could be under my Published Works tab by the time you read this; I like to think that'll be the case.

Second, my days in the endless grind of the newsroom have borne fruitful results in both my professional and creative life. I recently (as of writing) received an award from the Minnesota Newspaper Association in their Better Newspaper Contest: Second Place Columnist for non-daily newspapers with a 1,501-3,000 distribution. Also, a colleague of mine took first place in that category; she has me edit her columns, so I consider that as sort of a win for me, too.

Finally, I have some advice for you. If you want more and better updates on what crazy schemes I'm hatching, I recommend following me on Twitter: @ultrasonnek. I've been on a vigorous regimen of writing at least one tweet and following at least one more person per day.

OK, it's vigorous for me. I'm an introvert.

1 comment:

  1. I'll get this comment posted as soon as I click Publish instead of Sign Out, which I've done THREE TIMES, NOW.

    I missed you! Congratulations on your successes. Let us know when your stories are available, so I can go read them.

